This post to you is a little late because...
Normally this may not be exciting, but we went for a family reunion and a lot of our family had never met you. Mommy and Daddy also fell in love with NM, and I would love to live there someday (but Grandma would not be too happy about that!!) :)
Something else super exciting happened while we were in New Mexico....
I cannot believe that it took 10 months, but you finally got a tooth! It looks like you are popping another one through as well. No wonder you were a cranky pants most of the trip. You did VERY well for being in the car for 10 hours though. You are my awesome angel baby.
Other things that happened this month (or future!):
~ Your 10 month birthday also fell on Grandma's birthday this month! Happy Birthday Grandma!!
~ We got your SUPER CUTE 9 month photos done, but I just got them back, so I'm going to count them in this month's post :)
~ We have had trouble with babysitters this month... I am still working, and loving my job, but this whole babysitter thing is very frustrating! I just want what is best for you and what will make you happy, I didn't know that was too much to ask! We will find someone that we love soon, I just know it!
~ I am so excited for Halloween next week! You are going to have 2 costumes! You are going to be Mickey Mouse (a gift from your Great Aunt Lisa!) and a Ladybug (a gift from your Grandma because Mommy fell in love with it!). I am so excited to get to take you trick-or-treating!
~ We are also going to go to the Arizona State Fair and the pumpkin patch right before Halloween, so of course I am excited for that too!!
~ We went to your first Farmer's Market and got some yummy fresh produce. Even though you are getting out of the baby food stage, it is never too early to get you started on different textures of fruits and veggies!
Updates on you-
~ You are talking so much more now! Of course my favorite is Mama! :) You really like to follow me around saying "Mama Mama" and when I answer you, you laugh. It is the cutest!
~ You are still cruising. I think you just don't want to walk. Not that I am complaining, you have just done everything else so early that I am starting to wonder :)
~ You are finally getting into more 3-6 month clothes than 0-3 or 3 month! I am so excited to get to use more clothes from our baby shower!
~ Still in size 2 diapers
~ Still sucking away at that thumb. You are definitely your Mommy's daughter...
~ You really love toys that make noise....especially if they resemble a laptop or cell phone!! My little techie :)
~ You have this weird obsession with belly buttons! You HAVE to stick your finger in a belly button any time you see one (especially Mommy's and Daddy's!!)
~ You are starting to grow out of liking baby food. You would much rather have whatever I am eating, than what I give you.
~ You have started really taking interest in your blankie, which I find adorable. You also really like babies, real or toys. Grandma got you this really cute baby is a lamb costume on the way home from NM that you love!
As it is starting to get COLD! I am getting excited to spend your first Fall with you! It is bittersweet that Christmas is soon (with you turning 1 and all!) but I am so happy and proud and every other word imaginable, to be your Mommy. I just know Fall/Winter will bring new joys and experiences with my beautiful miracle.
I love you more than words can say,
Mommy <3
Your 10 month old stats:
16 lbs 7 ozs (5th percentile), 28.75 inches (50th percentile)
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