Well, I didn't intend for this to only be a once-a-month blog, but things have been very busy this month! Now, not only am I mommy to my beautiful girl, but I am now a working woman again! Other than that, I am just loving watching my little one grow.
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Your color coded schedule and food, ready for the first day of daycare! Speaking of that... |
I cannot believe it has been a whole month!! I cannot believe that you are 9 months old!! 9 months!! Ahh! I know I keep saying this, but I feel like I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant, and now you are a beautiful 9 month old. It makes me smile and want to cry, all at the same time, to see you grow every day.
You are so much more independent this month! You definitely want to feed yourself. Since we got our Baby Bullet, I have been making all of your food. But recently, I have been able to make my own recipes and play with foods and textures for you. We recently found a favorite, Chicken, Carrot & Brown Rice with a little Mango. You still really like sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, pears, squash/pear, and apple/carrot. You do like the BB food, however, you would MUCH rather eat anything and everything that is toddler/adult food (some of which I probably shouldn't have given you yet lol).
This month, you:
~ have started going to daycare recently because I went back to work. Normally, Daddy, Grandma Teri, or your babysitter Brittany, watches you. But this week, Grandma Becky got to watch you and Chloe for a whole day!
~are starting to develop a temper, and starting to be very picky (I wonder where you get that from?) ;)
~are still trying so hard to walk! You seem to think that you can walk, even though you are not quite there yet...you LOVE your walker that daddy and grandma got you, and the push walker (above photo)
~are still in size 2 diapers and mostly 0-3 or 3 month clothes.
~STILL HAVE NO TEETH! AHH! It drives me crazy! You bite everything (to the point where you leave the little bite circle) but you have no teeth! I am not quite sure how you do it, because I give you the hard crackers that don't dissolve, and you still bite them right away anyway.
~finally fit into a couple of 3-6 month outfits! We will soon get to use those cute ones that I have waited so long to see on you :)
~have finally learned to crawl like a normal baby lol. You have been crawling for a long time (since about 4 months) but you did this crazy worm crawl...now it is all fours :)
~LOVE your sister and aunts and uncles. You seem to understand that these people are family and you should think that they are awesome :) Your sister can make you laugh like no other, and it is so cute to watch. I am so blessed and happy that I get to watch you two beautiful girls grow up together.
Many interesting things happened this month, but the two biggest of them all was:
You went to your first ASU game!! Since I am a HUGE ASU fan, and a former student, it was a proud day when Daddy, Grandpa, Aunt Caitee, and I took you to your first ASU football game (Sept 9). You actually seemed interested, and would cheer when we did (until you got tired, then you cried lol). It rained, dust stormed, and was super loud, but we had fun, and I cannot wait to take you again!
We went on your first cruise! Labor day weekend, you and I (unfortunately, Chloe could not come, so daddy stayed home) went with Grandma and all of the kids, our friends Ninnah and Josh and their kids, and 3 nannies (a total of 23 people!) on a 3 day cruise to Mexico. I believe you were the youngest cruiser on the ship! Everyone was so enthralled with everything you did, including all of the strangers (who quickly became cruise friends) who loved to play with you and show you off :) We all had so much fun, and I so proud to have taken you on your first cruise!
Sadly, I am starting to think about your first birthday already :( I cannot believe you are 9 months, and it feels like tomorrow you will be 1. I cannot even express to you how much I love you, and what joy you have brought to my life. I thank God every day for the amazing gift that he has given me. Daddy, Chloe and I love you very much (along with MANY other people)!
Don't grow up too fast baby girl, I love you.
With all of the love in my heart,
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