Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy 8 months, Aubryn Grace!

Aubryn Grace,

   As I write this, you are watching TV, fully engaged in your favorite character, Chica, from the Sprout channel. You are so funny when she comes on the TV. You drop everything you are doing, and stare at this squeaking chicken. Most of the time, you giggle and bounce as Chica "sings" her songs, but sometimes, you just stare in amazement. You are growing so fast! It seems like just yesterday, you were in my belly, and I was yearning to meet you. Now, you are a beautiful bouncing little girl, full of personality and joy. You are definitely a mommy's girl, although when I am not around, Daddy and Grandma will do ;) I just bought the Baby Bullet for you, so I am now starting to make your food from scratch. I hope you will like it!

At 8 months old, you:

   ~ Know your name and respond to it. You know who Mama, Dada, and Grandma are. If someone says, "Where's Mama?" you will look around. You DEFINITELY recognize voices. I could be in another room or just come home, and you hear my voice and get very excited! You recognize the cats' meows and the dog's bark and look for them. You also know what "uh uh" means when you are getting into something you shouldn't ;)

   ~ Laugh all of the time! Your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard :)

   ~ Make the CUTEST face we call "Squishy Face" that always makes us laugh...and you know it!

   ~ Love to dance! When music comes on, no matter if you are sitting or standing, you start dancing!

    ~Are eating Stage 2 foods, sometimes two jars per meal! (Soon to be Bullet servings) ;)

   ~ LOVE being in the ExerSaucer, especially when I give you fruit puffs to munch on!

   ~ Have found your new favorite food, we call them Baby Cheetos. You are loving being able to feed yourself! If you can, you rather feed yourself than have anyone feed you. You are becoming very independent...I am not ready for that!

   ~ Love to eat table food. So far, you have eaten Kix cereal, cheese, bread, pizza crust, eggs, ice cream, french fries, and anything anyone will let you try!
   ~ Can crawl up the entire flight of stairs (although I make sure that I am RIGHT behind you the whole time!). If you are at the first through third stairs, you can also turn around and come down.

   ~ Are still in 0-3 month/ 3 month clothes, and size 2 diapers. You are starting to get bigger, but not quite big enough for 3- 6 months yet!

   ~ Have put the fire under me to baby proof the house! You crawl everywhere, and when I am not looking, love to chew on flip flops, play in the cat water, eat cat food, and find any little tiny piece of anything on the floor and put it in your mouth (with that being said, you put EVERYTHING in your mouth! lol)!

   ~ Really like to pull yourself up to standing on any piece of furniture that you can. You especially love Grandma's bar stools. You could stand there and squeak the second rung forever if I let you! 

   ~ Are almost walking already! You can pull yourself up to standing at any long piece of furniture (ex. couch, coffee table, chair, etc.) and walk along it with your hands on the couch. You will be walking in no time!!

   ~ Can say "Mama" "Dada" "Cat" and are starting to say "What's that" but it comes out more like "S'dat" :) You don't always use your words, and definitely only say them when you feel like it, but you know what they mean!

   ~ Don't quite sleep through the night yet, but we are down to mostly one feeding per night. 


I have finally packed up your Newborn clothes, put away your newborn gear (bassinet, cradle, baby rocker, etc). Although it was hard, you don't use them anymore :(

Daddy and Grandma bought you a walker last week, and you have learned to walk around the house in it. 

I am doing daycare right now so that I can stay home with you. Since I am still breastfeeding you, it is easier to be home. I have never left you for more than 4 hours at a time (and I LOVE that). I am currently contemplating going back to work, and actually had an interview yesterday for a new job! It will be hard to leave you, but it will only be part time for now. 

We have a routine. 8pm is bathtime. Followed by lotion massage, getting dressed, reading a book, bedtime feeding, and in bed by 8:30pm. You then (normally) sleep from 8:30pm to (you used to sleep until 4:30am, but it has changed to) about 1:30am when you eat again. Then, for the most part, you sleep until 6am when you eat again. Lately though, you have been waking up at 3am to play! You especially love climbing all over the bed... and Daddy! After 6am, we lay there and feed for a while, and sometimes you fall back asleep, sometimes you don't. We are up for the day by 7:30am!

I think that about sums you up for now. I hope you will like to go back and read this when you are older. Now that I have this way to write these letters to you, I hope you will enjoy seeing how much you have changed every month (as I have decided to write an update every month) :)

    Aubryn, you definitely have a distinct personality, and you are becoming more and more like your parents every day. I see your dad's quirks in you, as well as mine. You look like your dad when you sleep, and more like me when you are awake. I am amazed that I had a part in creating this wonderful little human mini-me, as everyone calls you. You are beautiful and perfect in every way. I cannot wait to see who you become and what you will accomplish. I look forward to every day, just so I can see what you will amaze me with next. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you Aubryn Grace!
Happy 8 month Birthday baby girl!

     With more love than you could ever imagine,

                    Mommy <3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Post

Hi everyone! I decided that it was time to join the Blogging world! This blog is all about my family, our crazy fun time, and my experiences as a first time (real) mommy and a wife. Please enjoy!